“variações infímas podem alterar irreversivelmente o padrão dos acontecimentos” Uma simples mistificação dos economistas americanos, fazendo tábua rasa da distinção entre o Valor de Uso e o Valor de Troca das mercadorias, cientificamente dada a conhecer á Humanidade por Karl Marx em “O Capital” moldou o mundo do pós-guerra tal e qual o conhecemos.

sábado, dezembro 29, 2007

11/9 - O que os Media não disseram

R. G. Abbas e a Operação Diamondback que provavelmente fundou a Al-Qaeda

In June 2001, a federal 31-month probe (Operation Diamondback) ended with the arrest of 2 arms brokers working for the Pakistani ISI, who were caught finalizing a deal to sell missiles, nuclear components and other weaponry to terrorists linked to Osama bin Laden. This was about the same time as ISI chief Gen. Mahmood Ahmad visited the U.S.

Caught on tape July 14, 1999, at New York's Tribeca Grill during the probe was a Pakistani operative, R. G. Abbas, working for the ISI and Taliban and pointing to the WTC saying, "Those towers are coming down." FBI informant Randy Glass on August 6, 2001, told THE SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL he was with Abbas at the grill because Glass "was told by federal agents that the case had become a matter of national security with, potentially, thousands of lives at risk."

The ISI created bin Laden's protector, the Taliban, and not long after Gen. Ahmad's visit to the U.S., the General had $100,000 wired to 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta. Gen. Ahmad shortly thereafter returned to the U.S. on September 4, 2001, as though he had new information he needed to share with U.S. officials.

Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman in Brooklyn was behind the 1993 WTC bombing, and two days after Gen. Ahmad's arrival here on September 4, 2001, a high school freshman in Brooklyn who had recently immigrated from Pakistan told his class the WTC "won't be standing there next week." On September 13, 2001, federal agents interviewed the boy and his brother, whose father was returning that day from Pakistan. The father chastised the agents for "harassing his children," and then returned to Pakistan.

On Sept. 10, a Pakistani newspaper, THE NEWS, reported that Gen. Ahmad's "weeklong presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council." I filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request with the Department of Defense and was told there was a document regarding one of the high-level Pentagon officials (Paul Wolfowitz) about whom I inquired that said "here's information on your upcoming meeting with Gen. Ahmad."

On this same day, Sept. 10, according to NEWSWEEK (Sept. 13 and 24), "a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks" and "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." That same night, San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, who was to fly to New York City the morning of 9/11, received a call around 10pm warning him and all Americans about air travel. Most people, including Mayor Brown, thought this was just a routine FAA warning. However, I filed a FOI request with the FAA and was informed they issued no warnings from Sept. 2 to Sept. 11, 2001.

So what happened? Is it possible the CIA, which works closely with the ISI, asked Gen. Ahmad to infiltrate Al Qaeda, which he did and the $100,000 was to gain their trust? Is it possible he learned of a non-date-specific attack for the week of 9/11 involving hijacked planes and came to warn us? Is it possible he warned some top Pentagon officials who, the night of Sept. 10, received confirmation of an impending attack that week, canceled their travel plans for 9/11, and caused a few others (e.g., Mayor Brown) to be warned? Is it possible these Pentagon officials would have warned the general public if they knew the specific date of the attacks, but not knowing this or that the planes would be crashed, didn't want to cause a nationwide panic for the whole week of 9/11?

(Fonte: NewsWithViews.com)

COVER-UP Government Spin or Truth? - by Dennis L. Cuddy - The Men, The Money and The Methods Behind the New World Order aka Global Governance

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