“variações infímas podem alterar irreversivelmente o padrão dos acontecimentos” Uma simples mistificação dos economistas americanos, fazendo tábua rasa da distinção entre o Valor de Uso e o Valor de Troca das mercadorias, cientificamente dada a conhecer á Humanidade por Karl Marx em “O Capital” moldou o mundo do pós-guerra tal e qual o conhecemos.

sexta-feira, janeiro 06, 2006

E.F. Schumacher Society - uma Economia de Paz

Bibliografia e brochuras - ordens para efssociety@smallisbeautiful.org

____ 1. E. F. Schumacher, Wendell Berry, and Susan Witt, Economics of
Peace, a collection of essays, 2001
____ 2. Robert Swann and Susan Witt, Local Currencies: Catalysts for
Sustainable Regional Economies, 1995
____ 3. Susan Witt and Robert Swann, Land: Challenge and Opportunity,1992
____ 4. Susan Witt and Jay Rossier, A New Lease on Farmland, 1990
____ 5. Robert Swann, Tributes, 2003 (free)
____ 6. Gar Alperovitz, Distributing Our Technological Inheritance, 1994
____ 7. Donald Anderson, The Assembly, 1996
____ 8. Peter Barnes, Capitalism, the Commons, and Divine Right, 2003
____ 9. Thomas Berry, Every Being Has Rights, 2003
____ 10. Thomas Berry, The Ecozoic Era, 1991
____ 11. Elise Boulding, The Family as a Small Society, 1982
____ 12. David Brower, It¹s Healing Time on Earth, 1992
____ 13. Marie Cirillo, Stories from an Appalachian Community, 2000
____ 14. George Davis, Ecologically Sustainable Economic Development, 1993
____ 15. David Ehrenfeld, The Management Explosion & the Next Environmental Crisis, 1993
____ 16. William Ellis, Flapping Butterfly Wings, 1998
____ 17. Chellis Glendinning, A Map (From Old Connecticut Path to Rio Grande Valley & All Meaning Inbetween), 1999
____ 18. Hunter Hannum, Wagner and the Fate of the Earth: A Contemporary
Reading of The Ring, 1991
____ 19. Alanna Hartzok, Democracy, Earth Rights, and the Next Economy, 2001
____ 20. Hazel Henderson, Development Beyond Economism: Local Paths to Sustainable Development, 1990
____ 21. Ivan Illich, The Wisdom of Leopold Kohr, 1994
____ 22. Dana Lee Jackson, Women and the Challenge of the Ecological Era, 1990
____ 23. Wes Jackson, Becoming Native to This Place, 1993
____ 24. Wes Jackson, Call for a Revolution in Agriculture, 1981
____ 25. Jane Jacobs, The Economy of Regions, 1983
____ 26. Andrew Kimbrell, Cold Evil: Technology and Modern Ethics, 2000
____ 27. David C. Korten, Creating a Post-Corporate World, 2000
____ 28. Winona LaDuke, Voices from White Earth: Gaa-waabaabiganitkaag, 1993
____ 29. Frances Moore Lappé, Toward a Politics of Hope: Lessons from a Hungry World, 1985
____ 30. Amory Lovins, Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution, 2001
____ 31. Kevin Lyons, Greening the Campus from a Procurement Perspective, 2002
____ 32. Oren Lyons, The Ice is Melting, 2004
____ 33. Jerry Mander, Economic Globalization: The Era of Corporate Rule, 1999
____ 34. John McClaughry, Bringing Power Back Home‹Recreating Democracy on a Human Scale, 1989
____ 35. John McKnight, John Deere and the Bereavement Counselor, 1984
____ 36. George McRobie, The Community¹s Role in Appropriate Technology, 1982
____ 37. Deborah Meier, The Company We Keep: A Case for Small Schools, 1998
____ 38. Stephanie Mills, Bob Swann¹s ³Positively Dazzling Realism², 2004
____ 39. Stephanie Mills, Making Amends to the Myriad Creatures, 1993
____ 40. John Mohawk, How the Conquest of Indigenous Peoples Parallels the Conquest of Nature, 1997
____ 41. David Morris, Reclaiming Community, 1996
____ 42. Helena Norberg-Hodge, Moving Toward Community: From Global Dependence to Local Interdependence, 1996
____ 43. Kirkpatrick Sale, Mother of All: An Introduction to Bioregionalism, 1983
____ 44. William Schambra, The Friendship Club and the Well-Springs of Civil Society, 1999
____ 45. Cathrine Sneed, The Garden Project; Growing Urban Communities, 1995
____ 46. Charlene Spretnak, Green Politics: The Spiritual Dimension, 1984
____ 47. John Todd, Ecological Design: Reinventing the Future, 2001
____ 48. Jakob von Uexkull, The Right Livelihood Award, 1992
____ 49. Greg Watson, The Wisdom That Builds Community, 1997
____ 50. Judy Wicks, Good Morning, Beautiful Business, 2004
____ 51. Arthur Zajonc, Buddhist Technology: Bringing a New Consciousness to Our Technological Future, 1997

Books and Other Publications. Price includes shipping in North America.
____ A. Inflation and the Coming Keynesian Catastrophe by Ralph Borsodi, $10
____ B. Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E.F.Schumacher, $24 paperback
____ C. People, Land, and Community, edited by Hildegarde Hannum, $22 paperback

$_____ Total for Lectures and Other Pamphlets listed above ($5 each)
$_____ Total for Books (indicate selections below)
___ paperback copies of Inflation and The Coming Keynesian Catastrophe @ $10 each
___ paperback copies of Small is Beautiful @ $24 each
___ paperback copies of People, Land, and Community @ $22 each


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